Indiana List of Legislators

Please contact your Legislator and ask that they do all that is possible to keep abortion out of Indiana. Ask them to protect pre-born babies from death by abortion, and their mothers from a destructive and regrettable decision.  

Below is a sample script for the emails – please call your legislator as well with the same messaging. 

I am a voter, a member of Indiana Right to Life of Southwest Indiana mobile advocacy team, and I live in your district. I’m asking you to use this summer’s special session to pass new pro-life laws in Indiana.  

Now that Roe vs. Wade is reversed, Indiana can pass legislation to fully protect unborn babies, and provide care and support for pregnant mothers. I believe that by addressing both of these issues, our state has a unique opportunity to prove that Indiana is a state that loves and values both the life of the mother and the baby.    

We simply cannot wait until the next legislative session to get this done – too many babies would die waiting for the state to take action.  

I want you to know this is very important to me.   Please respond to let me know you will support passage of new pro-life laws during this summer’s special session. My hope is that I can count on you to be a staunch supporter of life, and someone who will vote for a bill that protects all life to the greatest extent – both born and unborn – which would be that there’s only a life of the mother exception in any legislation that you vote to support. It is my firm belief that Indiana should continue demonstrating the strong value it puts on life without prejudice.

Thank you, and I look forward to your response.

Indiana State Senators

Indiana State Representatives

Email:Click here to fill out contact form. 

Tim O’Brien – District 78

Phone: 317-232-9815 | 1-800-382-9841

Over 3,300 Gather for Right to Life Annual Banquet at Old National Events Plaza

EVANSVILLE, IN (August 26, 2021) – Right to Life of Southwest Indiana will host its Annual Banquet at the Old National Events Plaza tonight at 6:00 p.m. with over 3,300 guests in attendance. Headlining the evening is keynote Candace Owens, founder of the BLEXIT foundation, an organization dedicated to driving conservative principles into urban communities; and, the host of the weekly “Candace Owens Show.”

Download full press release below.

Cemetery of the Innocents

Cemetery of the Innocents New Signage 2021
Cemetery of the Innocents (Vanderburgh County Durchholz Farm)

Most Southwest Indiana residents who travel I-69 north through Vanderburgh County have seen one of the most visible depictions of the need to eradicate abortion, the Cemetery of the Innocents that sits on the Durchholz family farm.   Since the 90’s the Durchholz’s, extended family and friends have helped maintained this plot of sacred ground. 

Right to Life spoke with Angie (Durchholz) Lasher about the history and impact the Cemetery of the Innocents has had on the community.  The idea originated from Mike Fichter, former Vanderburgh County Right to Life’s Executive Director (Right to Life of Southwest Indiana’s predecessor) and Bill Butterfield were looking for a farm whose location would have the greatest visual impact. The Durchholz farm ground was the perfect spot and the family agreed.

In the early days of the Cemetery, 4,000 wooden crosses representing the number of daily abortions in the U.S. were used.  The crosses were placed each year after harvest and then gathered back up and stored until they would reappear later in the year.  The undertaking of this project called for a lot of extra help through the years from Mark Ikoff helping to make the grid for the crosses to be lined up, to John Lasher and Albert Sturgeon keeping the area mowed, to Chuck Wigger helping install the vinyl signs by the interstate and many more.

In 2009, the family decided to divide the crosses and donated 2,000 to a Gibson County farm owned by Sylvester and Pat Elpers, who would display the crosses on his property on Hwy 41 just south of the I-64 junction to have double the visual impact.  The Durchholz’s decided to have a more permanent installation and created 2,009 crosses using PVC pipe that fit over metal rods in the ground for each cross. 

Donations from the community helped to complete the project in a unique way.  For each donation, a certificate containing a baby’s name was spiritually adopted and inserted into a capped compartment of the cross; and, it remains there to this day.  A ceremony was held for the community with Father Chris Forler presiding to bless the field.  

Tending to the Cemetery for all of these years had become part of the fabric of the Durchholz family, but Lasher says there was one time she started to have doubts about keeping the project up and made it a matter of prayer asking God if it even made a difference.  Unbeknown to Lasher, a regular passerby of the Cemetery on his way from Louisville to Evansville, Wayne Carroll, a songwriter, was so moved by the Cemetery’s presence and message that he wrote a song called, “4,000 Crosses” about the experience. Carroll recorded the song and sent CD copies to Right to Life.  On her daughter’s 18th birthday, Lasher received a package filled with CDs of Carroll’s song “4,000 Crosses” and the answer to her prayer!  God was using the Cemetery of the Innocents to make an impact in the hearts of people who saw it, and she now held it the proof in her hands. 

“The main thing I hope the Cemetery of the Innocents would accomplish is to help those who pass by start thinking about the babies and hopefully have their hearts soften,” says Lasher.  “This type of project affects the whole community and helps to educate in a five second window about the effects of abortion and will possibly start conversations that change hearts within the cars that pass by.”

Right to Life of Southwest Indiana and the entire region would like to thank Angie Lasher and the entire Durchholz family for standing (and maintaining, mowing and spraying for weeds) for life in a very public way.   

What You Should Know About Girl Scout Cookies

What is the concern about funding Girl Scout Councils and GSUSA?

Girl Scouts approves girls partnering with Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers and activist organizations to earn Girl Scouts’ highest award, the Gold Award, “to make the world a better place.” Awarded projects include:

  • A series of high school presentations in collaboration with NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League) for “getting rid of abortion stigma and misconception” by “activists who have had abortions who were interested in sharing their stories.”
  • A high school health fair which included Planned Parenthood among “the booths from various health organizations in order to educate students on what good health care is and to promote healthy habits for them to live long, happy lives.”
  • “A Young Women’s Health Expo…to highlight research on reproductive health, “invited girls to “come meet your local health care centers.” The Expo featured abortion providers Planned Parenthood and Equality Health Center, who advertised abortion services and offered free condoms to those in attendance. The ACLU was another presenter “educating young [girls] and their rights to repro and economic justice.”

Download the entire article below.

Right to Life of Southwest Indiana Hosts 40 Days for Life Fall Campaign

SOUTHWEST, IND. (September 22, 2020) – Right to Life of Southwest Indiana (RTLSWIN) is sponsoring the 40 Days for Life Fall Campaign with its Prayer Vigil Kickoff tonight at 6:00 p.m. at Reitz Memorial High School with Bishop Siegel opening in prayer.  Prayer partners will walk from the school to Planned Parenthood with the event concluding with prayer led by Rev. Dr. Larry Lewis.     

Voter Guides for Primary Election – June 2, 2020

One of the many resources that Right to Life of Southwest Indiana (RTL) provides for the pro-life community is the Voter Guides. For every election, RTL sends a survey to registered candidates to answer questions about abortion, euthanasia and other life bearing questions. The surveys are graded and provided to you, the voter, to inform you of candidates’ positions on life issues.   Remember to Start with Life as you step into the voting booth!

Download your county-specific guide below and take with you to vote. Feel free to share.

Important information regarding RTL programs, events and office hours

The Right to Life of Southwest Indiana has temporarily closed its offices due to COVID-19 following the executive order of Governor Eric Holcomb.  As an organization that’s mission is to protect life, we have closed to protect the lives of our patrons, staff and visitors.  

Sadly, abortion facilities are not closing; deaths will continue at many of their facilities. While this pandemic is impacting everything we do, abortion is not stopping at this time, and you can bet we certainly will not. 

Pro-life efforts are still moving forward as our staff is working remotely.  Please feel free to email any staff member with your questions regarding an event, program or donation.  We know we can count on your patience during this time as responses to emails, phone calls and donations may take longer than usual.

Please note that we will be sending out the VOTERS GUIDES by mail to our mailing list, or you may download the guide here:________ (insert correct link here).  This guide lists all candidates running in the primary on June 2, 2020.  Please be sure to consider this guide and let your vote start with life in the voter’s booth!  

Another way to continue to spread LIFE messages is through our #ChalkTalkForLife contest for kids.   It’s a fun way to teach your children how valuable life is!  Pick a “life message”  and have your little artists take to your sidewalk or driveway have them draw a picture that represents life!  All the details can be found on our news page –

We know with God’s help, we will get through this.  We encourage you to take to heart Psalms 91:1-2: Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” (NIV)

Stand strong in the Lord, He is in control.  

We hope you will continue to stand with us for the sake of LIFE!

Mary Ellen Van Dyke, Executive Director