Churches for Life

“Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” – Psalm 82:3-4.

Churches for Life are dedicated to educating congregations on life issues that are happening both locally and nationally. Stay informed by subscribing to the Churches for Life monthly e-newsletter. Learn of current events and programs that you can promote to your church body.


Sanctity of Life Sunday: January 19, 2025

National Sanctity of Human Life Day was instituted on January 22, 1984 by President Ronald Reagan. Every year, on approximately the third Sunday of January, the pro-life movement strives to promote life and enlighten others about the dangers of the abortion industry. 

Sanctity of Life Sunday is a day to reflect on the value of ALL human life and consider how we can become a culture that embraces life from conception to natural death.

To help spread the word about this meaningful day, we are providing a Sanctity of Life bulletin insert for your use. Click on the link below to download this free resource.


Embrace Grace

Embrace Grace helps women with unexpected pregnancies connect with a church
family who will walk with them before and after the birth of their child. The
organization offers support groups for pregnant women and single moms and dads.
Embrace Grace also donates Love Boxes to pregnancy resource centers, and women
who visit the PRCs receive these boxes. Each Love Box contains an invitation to
an Embrace Grace support group at a local church and inspirational items that
offer hope to the mom-to-be.

To learn more about this ministry, please visit their website: Embrace Grace

Election Activity for Churches

The Internal Revenue Code (IRS) requires that churches refrain from supporting or opposing a candidate’s campaign. IRS guidelines prohibit direct contributions to a candidate, as well as in-kind contributions, which include giving anything of value to a candidate (such as a church mailing list). Independent expenditures, which are expenditures expressly advocating the election or defeat of a candidate when made without the knowledge of any candidate, are also prohibited.

Speech about public issues may incidentally influence elections, but the government is far more limited in its ability to restrict discussion about issues. Churches my speak out about social and moral issues, the actions of government officials, and the positions of candidates on issues. As long as a church does not endorse or oppose a specific candidate for office, it has broad freedom of speech.

Churches can take a position or participate in ballot referendums and issue-oriented activities such as speaking out for or against legislation as long as spending or activity does not exceed an insubstantial amount.