Indiana Supreme Court Upheld SB 1 Abortion Ban!

Indiana’s 2022 Special Session featured the Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), which terminated the licenses of Indiana’s Abortion Clinic and banned all abortions expect for in the case of rape and incest up to 10 weeks post-fertilization and for lethal fetal anomaly for up to 20 weeks or viability (which ever one comes first). SB 1 also decrees that abortions must happen in a hospital and it protects mothers who choose abortion from becoming subject to criminal penalties. 

On September 22nd, 2022, a pregnancy resource center and a collection of abortion providers requested a temporary block on SB 1. The block was granted, allowing abortion access while Indiana litigation continued. 

On June 30th, 2023, the Indiana Supreme Court dismissed the block and upheld the ban. The ban will become finalized on August 1st. Plaintiffs have until then to request a rehearing. 

The Special Session also included Senate Bill 2 (SB 2), which dedicated over $80 millions to the Hoosier Family First Fund, Safe Haven Baby Boxes, and organizations that . The Bill also supports expanding Medicaid coverage to include donated breast milk and a $3000 state tax exemption for each adopted child!

These rulings are will make a positive and impressive impact on families in Indiana. SB 1 will limit the number of abortions, and SB 2 will promote resources that support and ease the burden of raising a family. These two bills are huge markers of progressive towards creating a culture that values life!