When Does Life Begin? Indisputable scientific fact claims that from the moment of conception (fertilization) there is a living human present. There is not a single moment from conception (fertilization) to birth when this preborn child is not living, not human, and not a complete individual person.
Science proves that everything that makes us individual – including height, eye color, and skin tone – was all determined at the time of fertilization, thus answering the “When does life begin?” question. The monthly journey in the womb shows exactly why a child inside a woman is just that: a human child who deserves to live. Educated yourself and learn about all the amazing things babies do inside the womb.
Meet Baby Olivia
The Baby Olivia project was created by Live Action to show us how life begins. The images and videos of Baby Olivia depict life in the womb from conception until the end of her gestation.
Click on the image below to watch her story.

Month 1
- A primitive face with large dark circles for eyes forms
- The mouth, lower jaw, throat begins developing
- Blood cells take shape and circulation begins
- A tiny “heart” beats at 65 times a minute
- The baby is smaller than a grain of rice
Month 2
- Facial features continue to develop
- Each ear begins as a little fold of skin on either side of the head
- Tiny buds that will grow into arms and legs soon
- Fingers, toes, and eyes begin to form
- A well-formed neural tube (brain, spinal cord, neural tissue of central nervous system)
- The head is a large portion of the baby’s size
- A heartbeat able to be detected externally
- The baby is about 1 inch long and less than 1 ounce
Month 3
- Arms, hands, fingers, and toes are fully formed
- Has the ability to open and close their fists and mouth
- Fingernails and toenails begin to develop
- External ears are formed
- Teeth begin forming
- Reproductive organs begin to develop
- Baby is fully formed – all organs and extremities are present and will continue to mature to function
- Circulatory and urinary systems are working and liver produces bile
- The baby is about 4 inches long and approximately 1 ounce
Month 4
- Presence of a fully detectable heartbeat
- Well-defined fingers and toes
- Formed eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails, and hair
- Teeth and bones become denser
- Baby can suck their thumb, yawn, stretch, and make faces
- Nervous system is starting to function
- Fully developed reproductive organs and genitalia for external detection
- The baby is about 6 inches long and approximately 4 ounces
Month 5
- Baby is developing muscles and exercising – kicking, punching, rolling
- Hair begins to grow on baby’s head
- The baby is about 10 inches long and approximately ½ to 1 pound
Month 6
- Skin is reddish in color and wrinkled
- Blood vessels and veins become visible
- Finger and toe prints are visible
- Eyelids begin to part and the eyes open
- Baby responds to sounds by moving, thus increasing their pulse
- Distinguish between the mother’s voice and that of another
- Baby hiccups may occur
- Experiences rapid eye movement (REM) sleep of dreams
- Taste and savor mother’s meals
- The baby is about 12 inches long and approximately 2 pounds
- Ability to survive outside the womb by 23 weeks with intensive care
Month 7
- Develops reserve of body fat
- Hearing becomes fully developed
- Changes position frequently and responds to stimuli, including sound, pain, and light
- The baby is about 14 inches long and approximately 2 to 4 pounds
- May survive outside the womb after the seventh month
Month 8
- Continues to develop reserves of body fat
- Baby is kicking and changing positions more in order to respond to stimuli, including sound, pain, and light
- Brain is developing rapidly
- Baby can see and hear
- Development of most major internal systems – lungs may still be immature
- The baby is about 18 inches long and approximately 5 pounds
Month 9
- Baby continues to grow and mature: the lungs are nearly fully developed
- Reflexes are coordinated so the baby can blink, close their eyes, turn their head, grasp firmly, and respond to sounds, light, and touch
- Baby moves less due to tight space
- The position changes in order to prepare for labor and delivery
- The baby is about 18-20 inches long and approximately 7 pounds
- Fetal Development: Stages
of Growth, 2014, Cleveland:
Cleveland Clinic, 2020, https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/7247-fetal-development-stages-of-growth