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Welcome to Right to Life of Southwest Indiana

Right to Life of Southwest Indiana protects the sanctity of human life through education, services and advocacy, so that both in law and practice the value of life is upheld. In conjunction with national right to life organizations and Right to Life Indiana, we support the pro-life movement and advocate for the protection of right to life for all human beings from the moment of conception to the last breath of natural life.

The Right to Life philosophy aims to present pro-life facts and statistics as well as pro-life arguments in a way that is helpful to those who recognize the importance of the right to life for all human beings. In addition, we oppose the agenda of pro-abortion advocates, such as Planned Parenthood, in Indiana and on a national basis.

Our Mission

Our mission at Right to Life of Southwest Indiana is to protect life.

Our Vision

Our vision is a world without abortion or euthanasia.